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„I have been taking lessons with International House, specifically with Ms. Andreescu for approximately a year.  First of all, I would like to thank her for being flexible with her scheduling and accommodating my work schedule and family obligations.  I have really enjoyed learning the Romanian language along with the incorporation of the Romania culture in our lessons.

When I first came to lessons with Iulia I had a decent foundation in the Romanian language. So it was greatly appreciated on my part her willingness to tailor our lessons to the level she felt appropriate with my understanding.  There is no doubt that I have improved in my language and grammatical skills, along with a better understanding of Romanian culture.  

I appreciate her willingness to go off script and work on the things I feel I need improvement in as well as talk about a variety of different topics thus helping my conversational skills and vocabulary.  There is no doubt that I will continue to take lessons with her as long as my stay in Romania permits.  ”


„Am vorbit română acasă în Olanda, dar când a venit vorba să mă mut în România, am făcut pasul și m-am înscris la o școală de limbă română. Ca repatriată, aveam nevoie de un alt stil de învățat, lecții făcute pe măsură. În două săptămâni am învățat română într-un mod intensiv. Profesoara Andreescu m-a ajutat să pun gramatica la punct, m-a ajutat să nu mai vorbesc ca o repatriată, doar ca o adevarată nativă. Le mulțumesc Iuliei și celor de la International House pentru asta.”


„I’d warmly recommend anyone to study Romanian with IH Bucharest, the material provided is pertinent and the scheduling is flexible. My teacher, Miss Iulia Andreescu, is a competent and sympathetic teacher who balanced the content of each class based on my requests in combination with what she saw I needed to work on. The part that I appreciated the most was that she included many elements about Romanian culture, this helped me to interpret the behaviour of my Romanian colleagues and the outcomes of business situations. I will unfortunately leave Romania earlier than expected, but if I would stay I’d definitely continue studying with IH Bucharest.”


„Everyone at International House is professional and competent, from the staff working in the education and accounting areas to the teachers in the classrooms. When requesting the courses, whether Romanian or English, you are flexible and understanding towards our needs. The teachers always receive extremely good feedback from our staff. Their approach to the lessons is focused on the students learning as effectively as possible through a variety of methods, keeping the students interested and engaged.”


„As a General Manager of the bank I would like to express my gratitude for the excellent quality of your services. Each lesson has been a great opportunity to acquire new information and develop my skills in a very pleasant and useful manner.”

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